Tuesday, July 6, 2010


About Tim,
I would like to share a few things I remember about my big brother Tim.   He was such a good guy.   I really enjoyed his sense of humor so much.  And just kind of the way he unexpectedly could make me laugh.
I probably should not share this because letting it out of the bag might haunt me, but Tim always called me Colly Wolly Doodle All Day.   All I could come back up  with was Timmy Wimmy, which was weak, he definitely had me on that one.    For some reason we both thought Broccoli Wockily was really funny also.  He would always ask me if I was having Broccoli Wockily for dinner.    You never knew how Tim was going to answer the phone,  if he was in a playful mood, he might answer the phone  Grace L  Ferguson Airline and Storm Door Company,  which is from an old Bob Newhart skit,  we both liked that one probably because I work for a travel company.    Recently I was helping him to get a ticket for our upcoming family reunion in Colorado,   we were on the phone together while I searched on the internet,  somehow it turned into a professional call where I was saying things like “Now Mr Larkin what are your seat preferences, do you prefer the aisle of the window?   Mr Larkin did you want a vegetarian meal, or would you like to have the diet meal etc”  we never broke character and it was just fun, both of us giggling on our end but not letting on.  
I used to do Tim’s taxes for him for a few years,  until one year when he got audited because I accidentally put on his return that he was blind and over 65.  He had perfect vision and was about 55 at the time.  He quit asking me to do his taxes after that.   But he would scold me every year around tax time about it.   
One time I got an envelope in the mail from Tim, inside was a ripped out calendar page for Feb this was in March,  there was a  little note attached that said, “  I don’t need is anymore so  I thought I maybe you could use it.”
I don’t know how this started but he also would sometimes sign his name Timothy M Larkin R.T.K.   The RTK was an inside joke between us which meant Registered Trained Killer.   
When we were kids,  Terry and Tim and I would play some wild games of Tag,  just before I was ready to tag him he would yell out  “New Rule” and then make up a rule that would prevent me from tagging him.   Because he is 10 years older than me this kind of means he was playing tag with me when he was practically grown,  he just had that childhood playful spirit.    Sometimes as a grown up when things are not going my way I am thinking in my head that I wish I could invoke the “ New Rule” thing.  
In talking to Tim’s dear neighbor Darlene I know she and he shared some of this similar humor,  although they lived just one house apart, they had many phone conversations, which Darlene described as “ if anyone ever heard our conversations, they would think we were nuts”.  
I wish I could think of more, but the other side of Tim was such a tender caring side.  Things like the tragedy in Haiti were so hard for him, he wanted to help everyone.  I know he spread good will and shared money generously with many people often at just the time they needed it most.   

Alison always says of her brother Tom  who also passed recently and also of her brother in law Tim that “ He was an Original” She is so right,   Tim was an Original.  

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Vote is IN

So,  because of limitation of only one vote allowed per computer I received some emailed Votes
The Final Total is
Tshirts, 8
Water Bottles, 10
Hats,  moot point..

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Message to the Kids!

I hope you are all getting excited for the Reunion in Colorado! We just did a quick count and think there will be at least 20 kids under 20 at the Reunion. We are thinking of some fun stuff to do. But we want your ideas also, if you have ideas, you can send them to Sue at


or to Colleen at colleengauron@gmail.com

Reminder to take the Poll

Hi Everyone,
This is just a quick reminder to take the Poll and Vote for your Preference of Hat, Tshirt or Water Bottles.
You should enter a vote for each person in your party

Also is anyone in the family good at design, it would be cool to have a great logo for the Reunion.
Send ideas to Sue at:
Or Colleen at colleengauron@gmail.com

Friday, March 26, 2010

Memories of Sr Rose Marie

From Colleen:

This past Sunday morning my aunt Sister Rose Marie Larkin passed away. She was a Catholic nun for 75 years!! She was an amazing person who dedicated her life to her beliefs. She was 95 years old. She lived in St Scholastica Monastery in Duluth Minnesota. She is the last of her generation in my family, the final remaining kid out of her sibs and outlived them all by quite a stretch. Outside of the church she enjoyed many things including Gardening and watching Golf on TV and Dr Phil and any DVD's with Rick Steve's from PBS traveling the world. She loved to hear about where I was traveling to & I think she went on little virtual trips with me. She traveled a lot up until she was no longer able to. I got a big kick out of is when she was 80 and traveled to Ireland by herself and stayed in convents along the way, I was horrified when I found out that for example when she was in Ireland, visiting a convent and stayed there, that they charged her room and board. I mean come oN!! Anyhow she was super tolerant of my rebellious ways & never scolded me too much. She did not like Obama and we could just agree to disagree on that. She voted for Jesse Ventura when he ran for Gov. She very much loved all her 12 nieces and nephews and kept in close touch with all of them. She could tell you what each was doing, knew all of the Great niece and nephews names and what each of them were up to as well. Beyond that she also knew what the Great/Great Nieces and Nephews were doing as well.

I remember one time she was at my house when my son Chris was in High School and he mentioned studying Beowulf, she immediately recited a portion by heart in Old English!

She also had an amazing way of getting you to do just what she wanted and make you think it was your own idea... like our upcoming Family Reunion in Colorado!

I always went up to St Scholastica in Feb for her Birthday. My sister and I would stay in the monastery.. always an interesting experience. I missed out on that this year because of my bronchitis, but I am not feeling bad about that because I had lots of good times there in the past.

I will remember her very fondly.

From Alison:

I will remember her as always making everyone so comfortable with her. Remember when she came to our Mpls house and she loved putting her feet in our hot tub?? She would always tell me that she was a part of me, and that she always prayed for all of us. That meant a great deal to me. She was one of those unforgettable people that anyone who met her will never forget. I only went to Duluth one or two times, but she made us so happy by showing her delight in us buying her some wine. We also had some great times down here when she went to her yearly meetings, she would always turn heads and she loved to see what she could get away with. We had dinner at an Italian restaurant and she went to tell the owner how much she enjoyed his bread. Of course he reached right into the case and handed her a loaf. It was just a hoot to experience!! Alison

From Susan:

I realize that my specific memories are scattered. But the one I like best is that Sister and Mary embarked on a road trip to visit us. We took them to a wonderful historic old hotel at Grand Lake…where we had rooms described as “rustic”. This turned out to mean that they set a little fire for you at the foot of your bed to light in the room when you got cold (VERY cold). They were good sports about it…so we took them to the Alpine slide in Winter Park. Seniors slid for free so we requested those tickets for Sister and Mary…and they ASKED FOR ID…do you really think a nun would lie to ride a slide? Funnier yet, Mary was insulted and didn’t want to show her ID so we bought her a ticket. That is how we got the slide photo with Sister’s habit all tucked in so as not to hang up on anything and drag her to her death. She later sent that photo to be put in her Nursing school college reunion book…

Regarding Ireland, Colleen: do you remember that she only found out THERE that they wouldn’t rent a car to someone her age…

Anyone else have a fun thought? She had long enough to provide a plethora of them!

Best to you all
